View Security Server Firewalls
If you’ve ever set up a View Security Server for external access, you’ve probably invested a fair amount of your time looking at firewall port requirements. I sure did. And then, after all that time, I still ended up falling back on trial and error, for at least a little bit. Rather than repeating that process (and to hopefully help others), I’m putting together a quick post with my notes. This engagement is using vShield and is securing the Security Servers with these rules, preventing both incoming and outgoing traffic (except for what is explicitly allowed). First, there is an excellent list of general network portsrequired for VMware products , which can give you a good place to begin. There’s a more detailed list of View Network Port Requirements as well, which is an even better place to begin (but, if you’re working with other VMware products, the general list is a good resource to have available). Unfortunately, as I’ve mentioned, tha...