
Showing posts from June, 2013

View 5 Network Flows with Unidesk

Simon Long put together an amazing View 5.2 Network Flows diagram  a few months ago.  I recently had a customer doing a View + Unidesk deployment, so I figured that I'd put together a version that shows how such an environment works.  I didn't cover all of the View 5.2 features that Simon did, but I made sure to show how the various Unidesk components link into and talk to the VMware components, as well as how those VMware components work between themselves.  Since this was inspired (and largely informed) by Simon's work, I figure that it's only fair to post it here.

Quick and Easy Datastore Usage Discovery

Have you ever had a full datastore and needed to easily discover which folder was the main culprit?  I’m sure that there are a thousand ways to do this, but one easy one is available from the ESXi host command line.  Either pull up the local console (with the local Shell enabled) or open an SSH session remotely (I know, we’re not supposed to do that anymore!).  Then, navigate to the datastore that you wish to examine with a command like: cd /vmfs/volumes/MyDatastore Once you’re on the datastore, use the “du” command to display disk usage.  If you use the command by itself, it will recursively display the disk usage of all folders/subfolders from your current location in kilobytes.  While that’s useful, it’s not the most user friendly thing in the world.  Instead, I like to use this command: du –m –d 1 That will display the disk usage in megabytes (it would be nice if it had a gigabytes option, but oh well) and will only display the total s...