Detecting PCoIP Disconnects within the VDI Desktop
One of my customers has to an application with strict concurrency limits in its licensing. Historically, they've worked around those concurrency limits by having a limited number of workstations from which to launch that application. When a user needed it, they would just go to one of those workstations and do their work. This created a serious pain point though, as users would frequently lock the workstation rather than log out of it, leaving their coworkers with one fewer workstation at that location (there are far more users then computers at these locations). VDI allows us to very easily work around that later problem, as each user can now get their own desktop. The location is still limited by the number of terminals that it has, however a user can now simply restart the terminal in order to connect to their own desktop without causing their coworker to lose any work. This flexibility has introduced the pain from this particular applications concurre...