Validating LUN Path Consistency via PowerCLI
One of my customers needed some help with making some zoning changes on their fiber switches after standing up a batch of new ESXi servers. I already had a script to create 1:1 fiber channel zones on Brocade switches , so that part was easy, but zoning changes to an existing environment are a little scary. As in, if you really mess it up, the storage is going to disappear and every VM is going to crash, scary. Fortunately, you've got to really mess it up to cause an issue, and so this customer was willing to allow changes during business hours as long as we promised not to cause an outage ;) So, how can I enforce that promise? Well, I've got my script to create accurate zones for the new hosts, but that's not really the dangerous part. If that's messed up, it just means that the new hosts won't work... and since they're still being configured, they're obviously not in production yet. The dangerous part is when you enable the new zones, in case you s...