Behind the Scenes with VMware UEM Run Once Settings
I've recently had the opportunity to do a project with VMware UEM where we've made some use of the Run Once setting on a few config items (expect more on that later). I was hesitant to build that setting into my design though, without having a thorough understanding of what it's doing behind the scenes (for example, what do I do if I need to make it run a second time for some reason?), so I did some research and experimenting. Eventually, I came across a VMware KB Article describing the Run Once Special flag, which explained what was going on, although I still had to poke around a bit to find the file itself and fully understand the behavior. That article described the Run Once process as creating flag files named .[L-computername.1] in the hidden FlexRepository user profile folder. If those files are found for a given setting, it does not run the setting with that flag enabled. Let's look at an example Logon Task that has Run Once enabled, and ...