Using PowerNSX to Build NSX Distributed Firewall Rules
I've been helping one of my customers set up a proof of concept NSX implementation, which has involved configuring and then destroying several firewall designs. In order to speed up this process, we've had to get pretty good at using PowerNSX to script out the creation of those NSX firewall rules (and other security objects). First, how do you get PowerNSX? Just like PowerCLI! Open up your PowerShell window, then use this command: Install-Module PowerNSX Now that you've got PowerNSX installed, take a moment to look at what it does for you. Look at all of the available cmdlets by using: get-command -module PowerNSX There's a lot going on there! In general, the PowerNSX cmdlets use the normal PowerShell verbs: get, set, add, remove, and new, and the nouns are prefixed with NSX. So, if you're using tab completion to figure out what command you're doing, <verb>-nsx... is usually a pretty safe place to start. For example, if I want to get...