
Showing posts from July, 2021

Secure Credentials in PowerShell Scripts

The scripts that I write occasionally need access to specific user account credentials in order to do their work, so I wanted to write a quick note about how to securely store those credentials for scripts (especially if they're going to be run as a scheduled task)!  It all revolves around the get-credential cmdlet. The get-credential cmdlet is made for this; by default, the object that it creates is encrypted to the account that executed it as a secure powershell object.  This means that you can easily save those credentials to a secure file with these two commands: $creds = get-credential -message "Enter credentials" $creds | export-clixml $credsFile Many PowerShell cmdlets can take credentials in the form of a credentials object (frequently with the "-credential $creds" syntax), but even when you need to supply a username and password, they're really easy to get out of that $creds object: $creds.UserName $creds.GetNetworkCredential().password If some othe...