
Showing posts from October, 2021

Technique for Parsing String Output into PowerShell Objects

I just read a cool article about parsing netstat output (aka unformatted string output) into PowerShell objects.  The solution was great (and their approach taught me that select-object has a -skip # parameter that can be used to chop off the first # of objects from an array, which is super useful), but since I would approach it in a totally different manner, I figured that I'd write out my technique!  I want to be clear: I'm not saying that one approach is better than the other.  There are often many perfectly valid solutions to a scripting problem.  In some situations, one might be preferable to another though, and so here's another option to add to the old toolbelt. (netstat -an | ? {$_ -match '^  '}).trim() -replace '  +',';' | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' That's a pretty dense line (and it's worth noting that there are two adjacent space characters before the plus in the replace string and in the match string), so let's b...