
Showing posts from May, 2022

Using Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module to Update a Sharepoint List

I've been working on a big VMware automation project for a customer who wants to use their Sharepoint site as the source of authority for configuration files.  They are using Microsoft Graph to give me access to that environment, so my permissions do not extend to the standard PnP.Powershell module and I've been learning the Microsoft.Graph module instead. We came across an issue when using the new-MgSiteListItem cmdlet though, where we were getting error messages like "Field 'title' is not recognized."  In this case, there was a field called Title and the configuration that we'd passed the cmdlet specified Title, but the internal workings of the cmdlet were converting the first character to lowercase and thus the whole thing wasn't working.  But, there's an easy work-around! The Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module has a catch-all cmdlet: Invoke-MgGraphRequest.  With it, you can use the Graph API directly, without having to worry about headers and au...