
Showing posts from July, 2014

Finding a VM with a Particular MAC Address

One of my customers was recently troubleshooting a network issue and had tracked it down to a single VMware MAC Address.  They tasked me with finding that VM that had that MAC address assigned, which is not a simple process through the GUI.  Fortunately, it's a very easy problem to solve with a script, and so PowerCLI to the rescue. All that I did with this script was get all of the VMs from vCenter, then loop through each one getting all of their NICs.  I then compared the MAC of that NIC against the MAC that the customer had identified, and we very swiftly had identified the problem VM. $MacOfInterest = "00:50:56:7b:00:00" $allVMs = Get-VM foreach ($thisVM in $allVMs) { foreach ($thisAdapter in ($thisVM | Get-NetworkAdapter)) { if ($thisAdapter.MacAddress -eq $MacOfInterest) { echo $ } } }

VMware Horizon and RDSH Applications

One of the big new features of View 6 is the ability to use Terminal Server… err… I mean Remote Desktop Session Host RemoteApp applications .  As you’ve probably seen, the application presentation is pretty slick, behaving very much like natively installed applications even though they’re running on a server in the datacenter.  This allows for neat little tricks like launching Windows applications on an Android device.  In the demonstrations, this feature is just about always paired with Workspace 2.0, showing those RDSH applications in the Workspace 2.0 launchpad. It isn’t really clear from the marketing that’s going on, but RDSH application support is a View 6 feature, not a Workspace 2 feature.  When you want to present a RemoteApp, you must register the RDSH server in View and create an Application Pool.  From there, you can optionally tie it into Workspace or you can just launch it directly from the View Client – your choice.  So, how do you insta...