ESXi Syslog to Multiple Servers

 Hey guys - just a quick note today.  I was configuring a second Syslog server for a customer's ESXi via the advanced setting, but was getting a generic "Internal Error" error whenever I tried to save my configuration.  Some quick googling made it look like this might be related to the scratch directory configuration having a problem or possibly the setting pointing at a folder that didn't exist, but in this case it was much simpler.

When setting up multiple logHosts, the example shows "udp://hostName:514, hostName2, ssl://hostName3:1514" but that's not actually the correct syntax to use.  It should be "udp://hostName:514,hostName2,ssl://hostName3:1514" to get it working.  Note that the servers are separated only by commas, instead of by a comma and a space.


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