PowerCLI to Select Arbitrary Host Ranges via Regex
This is another quickie (I've had a very PowerCLI rich couple of months!). We've been doing a lot of mass ESXi host manipulations lately and typically grab the hosts in batches of 8. As such, I've needed to be able to target a specific set of 8 ESXi servers with some of my PowerCLI commands. The first 8 (named esx01-esx08) are really easy to grab with string matching:
get-vmhost *esx0[1-8]*
That command will return all ESXi hosts in that range. That same trick doesn't work so well with other batches of ESXi hosts (until you get into the esx41-48 range), as the square brackets represent only a single character. That means that get-vmhost *esx[09-16]* is not a valid construct. Fortunately, this is a pretty easy match to make with a regular expression: esx(09|1[0-6])
That regex works because of a few important symbols. The | is the key to it; it means "or". A simple example would be "09|10" which matches anything with "09" or "10" in it. The "1[0-6]" will match a "1" immediately followed by the numbers 0-6 and so matches 10-16. Combined (09|1[0-6]), they match 09 or anything in the range of 10-16. In this case, I want to make sure that I'm only matching esx09-esx16 though, and so I need to include the "esx" preface. I put the numeric suffix in parenthesis in order to contain the "or" logic. "esx(09|1[0-6])" is logically equivalent to "esx09|esx1[0-6]", but it saves a character (or more if your prefix is longer than 3 characters).
The only drawback is that the get-vmhost cmdlet doesn't understand regular expressions. Fortunately, the "where-object" cmdlet does (which is aliased by a ?), when as you use the -match operator in its expression:
get-vmhost | ? {$_.name -match "esx(09|1[0-6])"}
get-vmhost | ? {$_.name -match "esx(1[7-9]|2[0-4])"}
get-vmhost *esx0[1-8]*
That command will return all ESXi hosts in that range. That same trick doesn't work so well with other batches of ESXi hosts (until you get into the esx41-48 range), as the square brackets represent only a single character. That means that get-vmhost *esx[09-16]* is not a valid construct. Fortunately, this is a pretty easy match to make with a regular expression: esx(09|1[0-6])
That regex works because of a few important symbols. The | is the key to it; it means "or". A simple example would be "09|10" which matches anything with "09" or "10" in it. The "1[0-6]" will match a "1" immediately followed by the numbers 0-6 and so matches 10-16. Combined (09|1[0-6]), they match 09 or anything in the range of 10-16. In this case, I want to make sure that I'm only matching esx09-esx16 though, and so I need to include the "esx" preface. I put the numeric suffix in parenthesis in order to contain the "or" logic. "esx(09|1[0-6])" is logically equivalent to "esx09|esx1[0-6]", but it saves a character (or more if your prefix is longer than 3 characters).
The only drawback is that the get-vmhost cmdlet doesn't understand regular expressions. Fortunately, the "where-object" cmdlet does (which is aliased by a ?), when as you use the -match operator in its expression:
get-vmhost | ? {$_.name -match "esx(09|1[0-6])"}
get-vmhost | ? {$_.name -match "esx(1[7-9]|2[0-4])"}
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