Finding All VMs with Multiple IPv4 Addresses

Here's a quick PowerCLI one-liner.  I recently had to find all of the VMs in a customer's environment that had multiple IPv4 IP Addresses assigned to them.  Here's the command that I ended up using:

Get-VM | Get-VMGuest | select VM, IPAddress | ? {($_.ipaddress = $_.ipaddress | ? {$_ -match '\.' -and !($_ -match '^169\.254\.')}).count -gt 1}

That guy's a little dense, so lets break it down.  Get-VM gives me a list of all VMs in the environment, which is piped to Get-VMGuest which returns the VM name and all IPs associated with it (looking at the VM's extensiondata.guest.ipaddress only shows the first address).  From there, we select the VM and its IP Address and pass that to a Where clause that has some logic.

That Where clause is going to return each VM that has more than 1 IPv4 address that is not an APIPA address.  It does that by finding only the IP Addresses that have a '.' in them (since IPv4 addresses use . delimiters whereas IPv6 addresses use : delimiters) and that do not start with 169.254. (the APIPA subnet).  If there is more than 1 remaining IP address for a given VM, that VM is returned by the Where.

I included that '$_.ipaddress =' bit in there because I wanted to only display those IPv4 addresses in my final results; if you want to have it display all addresses for each VM, you can just leave that bit out like this:

Get-VM | Get-VMGuest | select VM, IPAddress | ? {(_.ipaddress | ? {$_ -match '\.' -and !($_ -match '^169\.254\.')}).count -gt 1}


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