Changing your Windows Password in Nested RDP Sessions

Due to some strict security requirements, I often find myself working inside of an RDP session that's nested inside of another RDP session (that is occasionally nested inside of a Virtual Desktop).  Generally speaking, this works really well... except for when I need to change my password.  When you're buried that deeply in nested RDP sessions, neither ctrl-alt-del nor ctrl-alt-end are going to do the trick for you.  Fortunately, Serge Pavlov, deep in the comments of a technet article, had the solution!  I'm mostly writing about it here to make it easier for me to find it again when I need to go through this process 30 days from now ;)

In a PowerShell window, run this command:
(New-Object -COM Shell.Application).WindowsSecurity()

That'll open the Windows Security Center (the same thing that pops up when you hit ctrl-alt-del normally).  From there, you can just click "change password" and be on your merry way!  I like this because, since it's initiated from a PowerShell session on a given system, you can run it in exactly the instance of Windows that you want to run it in without having to remember some arcane keystroke combination.


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